Born in the Sixties

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How Did I Get Here?

Before there was a health success story for me, there were many years where I was not eating (and drinking) in a healthy manner, I apparently wasn’t even trying. While many people can fairly cite many external factors, reasons, or even excuses, that approach wouldn’t be a fair test for me.

Several things happened all at once around 2010 that make it easy to see in hindsight. I left a trail of breadcrumbs (pun intended) on my computer and smartphones. Photos of meals, cooking accomplishments and mastery of the grill. The explosion of craft beers occurred during this same time-frame. For me, that was more fun than wine tasting. But I had a wine phase, too. Homemade pizza phase. Comfort food phase. Even a sushi roll phase.

For most of those years, I lived by myself, was a man of means, and had access to excellent health care benefits. I had plenty of time to seek help, exercise more, or just attempt change.

Instead, I worked diligently at my desk job replete with break-room donuts, absorbed the stress, and celebrated with carb-heavy foods and a cold beer. Apparently too often? Now, via Google Photos, I regularly receive an “On this date…” email with a little gallery of evidence. It serves as a reminder to try. And to continue to try even harder. The pizza looks good…but I’ll pass.