Stepping to Podcasts
I’m winding through the neighborhoods in Midland, forming a decent sized walking loop, around 4 miles. No snow to be seen, but regular piles of branches due to a few recent wind and ice events. If I time it right, a single podcast will supply the soundtrack. No fumbling around with the phone or fast-forwarding. If I have picked the right pod, I’ll just mindlessly listen. That combined with a brisk walk will help achieve my goals.
What kind of goals should a retired person have? Most importantly, getting outside and exercising accomplishes two objectives. After a light lunch of salmon, exercising right away is supposed to be good for metabolism. And being out in the weather in the middle of winter and catching some sun just feels good.
By getting out early and walking 10,000 steps , I will be able to double that amount during my 5 hour work shift later today. The easy addition of walking increases my daily calorie burn rate to 3000-3500 (approx). That gives me plenty of margin to eat as much as I want within a modified Carnivore diet, and still maintain a caloric deficit for the week. About one pound a week of loss is all I am chasing. It is as simple and mindless as my walk.