Born in the Sixties

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Make Yourself Healthy Again

As we ease towards 2025, it has been interesting to follow all of the news stories about making America healthy again, including quite a bit of data about the general slide from the 70s to today in the general health of people. Is the food really to blame? I tend to think it may be a combination of things: more fast food and highly processed foods + more time spent at computer screens/staring into a smartphone + a lack of accountability.

The last part, lack of accountability, is completely within the control of most people. The standard American diet (SAD) of food that is delicious but not really good for you is pretty easy to eat. And very hard to stop eating. Very few family doctors have much to say about it. but are super eager to offer a statin prescription. No thanks.

It would be awesome to go back in time about 20 years and leave myself some notes for healthy success. I never would have guessed how easy it could be. Three easy steps: Track what you eat & do, walk more, and adopt a Carnivore Diet for six months. A bonus fourth step is stop regular alcohol use. Crazy easy.

Each trip to the store can be as simple as beef, butter and eggs. Add just a few additional foods to find your boundaries (fish, a bit of poultry, an avocado, sugar free nut butter, etc). Prep meals in advance to avoid snacking. You’ll save money, too!