Born in the Sixties

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Why I Ride

In mid-February, as I see the snow melting, my thoughts turn to the road. Since relocating to Michigan from the PNW, I have pondered how I will find interesting places to travel to easily. It may turn out that there is no rival for the places I have already seen via motorcycle. Time to go hunting for the hidden gems here in the Midwest.

Finding Awe - Living Off The Slab

My riding story is very similar to Craig’s, who runs the Living Off the Slab channel. His content is very thoughtful, and thought provoking. He is based on the East Coast, so when he decides to ride the great roads of the Western USA, it takes him a week, just to get to the “good stuff”. I now understand the challenges he has.

Mountains scenes from my GoPro.

When I look back at the awesome scenery that I have ridden into, that gives me the spark to do it again. Never the same trip twice, but when well executed, the awe is out there, waiting.

North Cascades Highway, Washington State.

Snake River canyons, west of Lewiston, ID.

Exploring farm roads on the might Ural Gear-up bike near Pullman, WA,