Let's Get Cooking!

There are a handful of Carnivore “influencer’s” who regularly mention and show the daily ribeye steak they are preparing and eating. Unless I am missing something, eating a ribeye everyday, while certainly delicious, is likely beyond the budget of most people.

I generally try to buy most of my beef at Costco and feel like I am accomplishing all of my protein goals without having to spend $18 - $23 per pound for super fancy cuts. As a lone wolf, purchasing directly from a rancher (a 1/4 cow?) doesn’t make sense. The packaging and freezing space required for that is beyond what I have. Seems like freezer burn would be inevitable as well.

Meet Chuck.

Today this meat bomb dropped into my cart. Wasn’t even planned. Once home, I began to search for “how to cook chuck roast”. I found two ideas, so I did both.

First, I cut the roast in half, and the side with the most fat went into the Instant Pot. 55 minutes, later, I had seasoned shredded beef. Next, for the second half, I cut it into 2 steak sized pieces and tenderized & then dry-brined it for 4 hours*. Then, into the oven until the internal temperature was about 115 degrees. Then, using the same cast iron pan, I reverse-seared each side at high heat with butter for a few minutes. Pretty simple way to turn the roast into 4-5 meals without taking too much time. After taste-testing one of the steaks, I declare victory (on a budget).
* the recipe called for 12 hours of dry brining in the fridge, which I’ll try next time

Kitchen work completed, including sampling my work.