Social Distancing, Part 1
Even before the current global pandemic, I was actually pretty good at social distancing. In this particular case, after a long day of riding on an unseasonably hot day in British Columbia, I ended my day at a really nice campsite.
I had a nice view of the fast-moving green water of the Fraser River, a bit North of the outpost of Tête Jaune Cache, which is not far from the stunning Mt. Robson. After arriving and securing my spot for the night, I realized I would need to backtrack to town to gather supplies (beer). After making the 30km loop, the manager of the place was kind enough to loan me a bucket of ice so I could rapidly chill my sixxer of Kokanee. Oddly enough, no one else was camping in a tent. Something about a bear in the area… I slept well, nonetheless. The bear was on the other side of the Fraser.